David St-Jean

Manager  |  [email protected]
David St-Jean, hockey writer and manager of Allhabs.com since October 2023.

I have always used writing as a means of expressing myself. In school, writing has never been a challenge for me.

Passionate about hockey since my early childhood, my room was adorned with posters of Montreal Canadiens players. I enjoyed describing the spectacular saves of Patrick Roy and the goals of Paul DiPietro during the conquest of the Stanley Cup in 1993.

I have played hockey all my life, dedicating almost my entire twenties to this sport. I played as a forward in ice hockey, a defenseman in floor hockey, and a goalie in Dek hockey�all simultaneously, participating in four different leagues throughout the year.

Academically, I studied sports management and officially began my career as a hockey writer in 2017 on the habsetlnh.com website. Over time, I contributed to the growth of this blog, which was then expertly managed. I hired, trained, and managed teams of writers while continuing to write.

Finally, in October 2023, I decided to become a full-time manager. Writing news about the Montreal Canadiens and hockey in general is a dream I live every day. My mission is to convey my passion, experience, and knowledge in my writings because you truly deserve it!

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