Jic Lajoie presents a trade involving Caufield in New York

Carl Vaillancourt
June 3, 2024  (8:15 PM)

Cole Caufield
Photo credit: Picture

For some unknown reason, the young Montreal Canadiens sensation Cole Caufield has been returning to trade rumors daily for the past two weeks, despite the fact that number 22 is improving in various aspects of his game.

Mathias Brunet started the rumor mill with a proposal involving a trade between the Montreal Canadiens and the new Utah team, where Cole Caufield would be sacrificed to obtain the first-round pick, the 6th selection in the upcoming draft.
This time, TVA Sports host Jean-Charles Lajoie has floated a potential trade between the New York Rangers and the Montreal Canadiens. He questions the public on whether they would agree to trade Cole Caufield to acquire Quebec native Alexis Lafrenière.

A trade proposal involving Cole Caufield and Alexis Lafrenière from Jean-Charles Lajoie

See the exact question.
A Cole Caufield for Alexis Lafrenière trade, if you are the Canadiens, do you accept it?

JiC TVA Sports, Twitter

This question wouldn't have received the same consideration a year or two ago. The New York Rangers' standard-bearer had a brilliant season, contributing to the team's success both in the regular season and in the playoffs. His recent success has made him much more attractive in the eyes of fans and Bettman circuit officials.
In the informal poll conducted by the host, opinions are very divided. The results could even be described as referendum-like. On one side, 47.3% of respondents would already agree to trade Caufield for "Laffy." It seems the Quebec native has won the hearts of fans with his recent performances during the spring of 2024.
The day before, Renaud Lavoie defended young Cole Caufield following the rumor started by Mathias Brunet. Would he defend the Canadiens' number 22 in this trade? The fact that Lafrenière is a Quebec native could change things. The marketing value and the impact on the salary cap might be attractive to Kent Hughes.
At 23 years old, Cole Caufield was selected 15th overall in 2019. He scored 65 points, including 28 goals, in 82 games this season.
His puck distribution in the offensive zone, his ability to better defend his territory as evidenced by his -4 rating, and his intensity in all three zones suggest that the Canadiens' 2019 first-round pick can continue to progress and become a better hockey player.
At 22 years old, Alexis Lafrenière was the 1st overall pick in 2020 by the New York Rangers. The Rangers' number 13 scored 57 points, including 28 goals, in 82 games this season. In the recent playoffs, he scored 14 points in 16 games. His offensive contribution greatly helped the Blueshirts reach the final four.
And you, do you prefer Cole Caufield or Alexis Lafrenière?
Credit: Info LNH - JiC proposes trading Cole Caufield for Alexis Lafrenière
3 JUIN   |   521 ANSWERS
Jic Lajoie presents a trade involving Caufield in New York

On a 1 vs 1 trade, who will you pick?

Alexis Lafreničre20639.5 %
Cole Caufield31560.5 %
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